Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh the week I had...

Last week started off well enough...but began a quick spiral downward once Wednesday came. It was my duty, nay privilege, to pick up the birthday cake for one of the old codgers here at work. Why the heck he is still here while celebrating his 68th birthday, I'll never know. Must be all the free booze. And the wonderful office staff. Anyway, as usual, I was running a tad late. So I hit the asphalt running towards the grocery store to grab the cake before I headed to the office. I managed to successfully dodge the insanely happy store manager and two workers that dared darken my path towards the bakery section under the pretense of wishing me a happy day, grabbed the cake out of the display case, and high-tailed it to the checkout. The card aisle caught my attention while I did a mental head-slap, 'duh' and steered my whirling dervish course towards the cards...Found a sufficiently insulting yet humorous card and turned to leave. Mistake one - all this time, I had heels on. Mistake two - grocery store floors are freshly polished at night, rendering a VERY slick surface for the first shoppers in the morning. Mistake three - trying a triple axle jump-like move on slippery floor in said heels. Needless to say, you can all see where this is heading...I managed to fall, break a toe, and IMPALE myself onto my car keys, but damnit, that cake stayed in my hand unharmed and my skirt didn't fly up around my ears. So, I get up, brush myself off, pull my key out of my leg and head to the checkout, all the while making sure that no damage was done to the damn cake. Once I finally get to the office, I notice that I can't feel my toe...Remove my beautiful heels and find something similar to the below picture. Only, now, my entire leg is black and blue from toe to knee. Lovely.

Adding insult to injury was my yearly review at work on FRIDAY afternoon (tell me that wasn't something to look forward to) and finding out that the bossy co-worker just might be put into a position of authority in the next few weeks. All because I've got such a great attitude and can handle any work load and can work with anyone. Talk about encouragement. Oh, and before the lovely review on Friday, I managed to fall ON THE SAME LEG at work and spill coffee all over the wall, floor, and my sleeve. Fun, fun, fun.

Just in case you were wondering...the cake was enjoyed by all. As were many a joke about my gracefullness.


Blogger ChiroMum said...

I think I will...hell, make that an 'I KNOW I will!"

11:52 AM  

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