Monday, October 03, 2005

A Meme! I've been tagged...but it's ok, it didn't hurt a bit!

Many thanks to SweetViolet for tagging me (and as soon as I figure out how to do the cool links, I'll add them to the post). Here goes nothing...

1. If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life?

First and foremost, I would be a full time stay at home mommy to Bee Babe and any subsequent children! And we would be living in either Maine or along the Welsh coast in a lovely, hand-made home by chirodad. Of course, the bees would be with us along with a menagerie of goats, Highland Cattle, and a smattering of dogs and cats. And Chirodad would have the sailboat he dreams of and we would travel yearly. I'm sure I've forgotten something, so I'll stop for now...

2. Money is just that - an object, so why aren't you doing it?

Give me a few months...I'll soon be the full time stay-at-home mommy and the rest will follow.

3. What's better: horses or cows?

Cows. Much better temperament, and they don't throw you from an English saddle on a daily basis when you are only 8 years old and learning to ride English saddle...and, I KNOW chirodad is thinking it, so I'll go ahead and type it(SV, avert your eyes)...Cows taste better.

4. What do you think the secret to happiness is?

Being satisfied with who and where you are.

5. When was the last time you had a dream that you either remember well or did not want to awake from? Can you share a bit?

I rarely remember my dreams, but one that I still haven't figured out if it was real or not happened when I was pregnant. I kept seeing a small boy, about 5 or 6 years old wandering around in our house. He kept coming by the bedroom door. He never really freaked me out, just made me kind of sad for him. I've since seen him while awake, and usually whenever Beebabe is nearby. Weird.

6. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to do something with children. I used to say pediatrician, and then after reading one of my favorite books, C.Everett Koop's autobiography, that changed to pediatric surgeon. I currently work in the beverage industry doing nothing with my Biology degree, but have high hopes of one day becoming a midwife.

7. Complete this statement: Love is . .

HARD! And wonderful! And fulfilling! Love is the way my daughter gazes up at me while nursing, or the way my heart fills when I glance at my husband from across the room while he is playing with our daughter. Love knows no bounds, as any parent will tell you time and again. "Love's not times fool..."

8. Can you tell a good story? (write one!)

I used to be able to. I think I was one of the only science majors that took English classes for fun (British Lit rocks!). Sadly, after the year long, 1,000 page senior thesis (where I proved Lamarkian genetics, thank you very much) I lost much of my love of pen and paper. I am hoping to regain it soon.

9. Can you remember your last daydream? What was it about?

Earlier today amidst the many numbers I was looking at, all I was really thinking of was holding the BeeBabe tonight.

10. If you were to thank someone today, who would you thank?

Chirodad, without a doubt, would be thanked for his tremendous patience with a very irritable, and sometimes irrational, chiromum. You are my rock.

Ok, that's it from me! And I'm NOT tagging anyone else because the people I would have tagged have already done this and Chirodad does not have a blog. At least, not one that I know about! Hope you enjoyed!


Blogger sweetviolet said...

something about the fact that you loved c. everett koop as a youngster makes you all the cooler.

11:03 AM  
Blogger ChiroMum said...

Yeah, what once was considered weird is now making me cool! You made my day, SV!

11:53 AM  
Blogger sweetviolet said...

ain't it they way it always is? we're just ahead of the cool curve.(i as well enjoyed the koop)

12:05 PM  
Blogger ChiroMum said...

Cool curve...I love that!

12:51 PM  

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