Monday, October 03, 2005's been awhile...

Good grief, I've neglected my poor little blog. In defense, last week was one HELL of a week at the office. I think that the majority of the people I work with can only perform in crisis mode, and thus enjoy creating mayhem and havock for all other employees. Case in point...last week, I had 48 hours to re-price every wine item in our company (something that usually takes about a week to do) by $0.24 per CASE. That's right people, a whopping $0.02 per bottle for most items. Well, on Thursday , we found out at 11:30 am that all the work I had done was for naught, because the powers that be didn't approve the change (thank you manager-wannabe for not getting approval because you have a superiority complex and can't stand to be told that you are ignorant of your job and company procedure) and all work done must be undone in 12 hours.
Top all the work shennanigans off with a visit from the parental units this weekend, mix in some mother-nature hormones, and the result is a very wired and ticked off Chiromum. Oh, and the kitchen sink got a hole in it and had to be replaced Saturday night. Thank God I married a man that knows how to do plumbing!! And that understands that my mother throws me into a whirling dervish of swiffering, dusting, and cleaning tizzy (damnit, the baseboards weren't clean...and I had a spot on the rug...). I guess it doesn't help that I have a sister whose many talents include a spotless apartment (she's in college) and the ability to scrub floors all day long while folding laundry with her toes and leaving not a speck of clutter or dust on any surface for longer than 2 nanoseconds. I can't wait till she has children and realizes that they WILL destroy a room in 5 seconds, no matter what you do to try and keep it tidy.

And guess what else we discovered this week...Old MacDonald had quite the menagerie. This is bee babe's new favorite song that must be sung for no less than 20 minutes before those sweet little eyelids will even begin to flutter closed. And among his many animals, he had a moose, an owl, an elephant, a pigeon, a llama, fainting goats (YES!!!), and a gecko.


Blogger sweetviolet said...

you've been tagged sister. get to work after you add two pence to every 1/3 bottle by volume.

12:24 PM  

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