Christmas Meme
Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?
Cider of course!! Especially the mulled variety...yum!
Turkey or Ham?
Preferablly neither. Growing up on a turkey/cattle farm, I DETEST turkey and will only stand for it on Thanksgiving. Of course, seeing as how I have no say so on Christams Dinner, I will be subject to both turkey and ham. Chirodad has mentioned the interest in a TurDuckIn. Eww.
Do you get a Fake or Real/cut it yourself Tree?
I have insisted on real trees only! Nothing smells quite like christmas than a fresh Fraiser Fur!
Decorations on the outside of your house?
Ok, here's the deal...this year we DO have deocrations, though not at all what I wanted. We have a very simple greenery swag with red bows at the apex, a huge grapevine and light wreath, and a beribboned mailbox. I'd rather just have the nice greenery on the outside. Growing up, my Mother ALWAYS had either big parties at the house or we entered in a local tour of homes. This consisted of 5 fully decorated trees within the house, tons of greenery everywhere (God help you if you had allergies), a lighted tree stuck on a boat in the middle of the pond, an 18th century horse cart filled with 'presents' bows, and lights, and goodness only knows what else. I refuse to get that in depth with the decorations. And if I ever do, you have my permission to put me out of my misery!
Snowball fights or Sledding?
Since I live in SC, and rarely see enough snow to do either, I enjoy both! Although, one of my fondest memories as a child (when there was more than an inch of snow on the ground) is my Dad tying a rubber innertube to the back of a truck and taking my sister and me 'tubing' through snow-covered pastures! I guess thats redneck sledding??
Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
Before the hubby and child, yes. Now, heck no!
Favorite Christmas Song?
What Child is This and Gloria...oh, and O Holy Night and Santa Baby...I have too many!
How do you feel about Christamas movies?
Like most of them, love a few (How the Grinch Stole Christmas, animated version), don't really care for the newer stuff (Jim Carey's Grinch, The Santa Claus, etc).
When is it too early to listen to Christmas music?
Stockings before or after presents?
After! My parents used to hide cash, gift cards, and jewelry in ours at home, so it was always a nice ending to the morning. Of course, now with BeeBabe in the picture, we may start doing them first (at the foot of the bed Christmas morning).
Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them?
Having been a caroler, I pay close attention always!! Although, if you sing off key, I'm likely to try and help 'correct' you.
Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
This is an issue with a large family. We have ALWAYS had Christmas breakfast with my father's family and Christmas dinner with my mother's family. So, this year it will be, Christmas morning at my house with beebabe and chirodad, a Christmas brunch with my dad's family, Christmas afternoon with my mom, dad, brother, sister, and future brother in law, Christmas dinner with my mom's family. Christmas eve will be spent with my inlaws and at Divine Liturgy.
Do you read the Christmas story? If so, when?
does liturgy count? we probably will start doing this this year with beebabe.
What do you do after presents and dinner?
Drive back home!
What is your favorite holiday smell?
Ice skating or mall walking?
I've never been ice skating and heard its rather dangerous...still, I'd take that any day over the other choice!
Do you open a present on Christmas Eve or wait until Christmas Day?
Usually one gift on Christmas eve - PJ's!!
Favorite Christmas memory?
A very sleepy Chirodad showing up for Christmas breakfast at my parents house early in the morning. This was a few months before we were was very sweet AND he had to meet all the family at once (poor guy).
Favorite part about Winter?
The weather!!! You can finally wear cuddly sweaters and scarves!
Ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
Yes. By a weird uncle. It was frightening.
As far as tagging goes...if you are like me, stuck at work and bored, go for it!!