Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A story of the she-wolf...

I never really realized exactly HOW ingrained the she-wolf response is in us mothers until this weekend. My husband and I had friends in town for the big college football game (USC vs Clemson...go tigers!!) for Saturday and Sunday. Chirodad and one of the friends went to the big game, and the other friend and I went to Harry Potter (neither of us really wanted to freeze, and as tickets to the game were sparse, the movie seemed a God-send). BeeBabe stayed home with her Mimi. BeeBabe is also a champion tooth-cutter as she is now cutting not one, but at least TWO molars at the same time. Needless to say, she is rather grumpy at the best of times and down right angry at the worst of times. Well, we all met back up at the chirofamily house after movie and ballgame for a few celebratory drinks and chit-chat. All was well. We made plans to meet the next morning at liturgy (the two friends are childless and don't like staying with us as the BeeBabe is quite vocal). All went well till lunch. We met up at a local restaurant, which was of course crowded. Beebabe hadn't had a morning nap (it was aproaching 1:00 pm), was hungry, and was in pain. She and I walked around the restaurant for a bit while waiting on our food to come. I hadn't planned on that much walking and had worn insanely high heels (dumb on my part), so we made a few stops back at the table for me to either sit her down or hand her to Chirodad until she started crying/screaming/being annoyed again. At one point, one of the friends (who had been reading the paper and taking absolutely no part in any conversation whatsoever) looked up disdanefully and said that if BeeBabe didn't shut up, he was going to leave. Well!! I was FUMING!! I managed to grab my daughter (along with the bread from the table), instruct my husband to get our food to go, and headed up the car. I think I may have pierced my tongue with my teeth, I was biting it so hard!! BeeBabe and I had a great time in the car, and she actually managed to fall asleep (which was a large part of her fussiness) while we waited on Chirodad to return. Then, I get the most absurd email Monday morning asking wheter an apology was necessary?!?! Um, YEAH, it was!! I can understand being tired and cranky, but that didn't mean that a freaking 35 year old should have acted that way. At any rate, I think we've mended the tear in our relationship via email. I always find that I am much more willing and able to express myself clearly in writing than by speaking. I guess it's because by writing something, you can be as crass as needed, feel better for getting it out, then erase it all and find a much nicer way of getting your point across. Eesh. A note to any childless people reading this diatribe...if you are around people with children and feel the need to give out parenting advise OR act childish and unsympathetic, JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Now...on to the happy part of this message....a BIG CONGRATS to the Jensen Family!!!!!!


Blogger sweetviolet said...

bread, like tape, can be easily pitched at someone's head.

come ON! that's ridiculous. what a big baby. and poor bee babe. you'd think evolution would have come up with a better way to do this whole tooth thing, than to make babies go through this.

10:05 AM  
Blogger ChiroMum said...

If you asked my mom, she'd say something super annoying like, "babies teething builds character"...just like my walking around on a broken ankle for a WEEK before she took me to a doc. grrrrrrr

11:18 AM  
Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

I know exactly where you're coming from. We... ok, I have a friend who stays at the house, and has the annoying habit of tutting or rolling his eyes at every noise Baby E makes. He's a forty something year old teacher, for crying out loud. He's been a bit worse of late, and Mrs Owl gives me a hard time about it. I can't believe he's so dumb, and I'm in trouble!

5:26 PM  

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