So, after my series of anniversary posts on last Tuesday, drama hit the Chiro household full force. My husband and daughter stopped by my office around lunch on Tuesday to say hello and deliver my wonderful anniversary gift (a HUGE, framed portrait of beebabe). During their brief visit, Chirodad's phone kept ringing, but being in a metal building was registering some weird 'roam' message, he didn't answer the phone. Once they left, he was able to check the phone calls...well, turns out it was his dad...having a stroke...or, more accurately, a series of strokes. So he and the beebabe pick up my father-in-law to take him to the hospital. I get a frantic message from husband saying to come and get the little one as we seriously don't need her picking up a nasty cough, germ, bug, what-have-you from the ER.
The hospital finally admits my father-in-law around 10 pm Tuesday night. So, no anniversary celebrations for the chiro family, but beebabe and mommy did get to spend a pretty nice afternoon together, and for that I'm thankful. Fast forward to the weekend...I leave work early on Friday to deliver a sewing machine to Sweet Violet (still haven't figured out the links...sorry!!) and after leaving her wonderful home, find yet another frantic message from the Chirodad. Turns out, father-in-law was released at 4:30 Friday afternoon, and they made it all of 2 blocks before having to turn around and hit the ER yet again. He was having more strokes in the car, this time with minor facial paralysis. Out I go, making yet another fast trip to the ER to retrieve BeeBabe. They admit my father-in-law in the wee hours of Saturday morning. All seems OK with him during our visits on Saturday (even though the Dragon Lady (aka, my grandmother-in-law, was in attendance). We give him a call Sunday on our return from liturgy only to discover that he is having yet another stroke while on the phone (couldn't speak clearly, didn't know his siblings nor his son's name). Chirodad calls the INCOMPETENT head nurse, argues with her as to his father's state, drops me and the beebabe off at home and heads back to the hospital. After spending about 4 hours there with him FINALLY sees a doctor and is told that we can expect weekly minor strokes and that he will be released from hospital care on Monday.
So, now it looks like Father-in-law will be moving out of the inlaw suite and into the main house in short order. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out how to knock down a wall or two to give us all more space. Poor chirodad now has not only beebabe with him at all times, but more than likely will have his father as well. At least he is GREAT with beebabe and really seems to enjoy being around her.
Oh, I'll bet you are wondering where the geriatric derriere comes into play, aren't you?? During our visit Saturday, Beebabe and I needed to escape the Dragon Lady, so we took a walk around the hospital. Turns out we were on the Geriatric floor, and none of these older people had a robe because at every open door, there was a butt staring at us. Why on earth everyone seemed to need to get out of bed at the SAME time and with an OPEN door is beyond me. Seriously, folks, after about the 3rd door, I was giggling so badly that we had to make a beeline to the elevator so I could regain composure.
Here's to hoping that this week is better...and that I'll finally get to see my husband (in a good mood) for longer than 20 minutes. I love you, babe!