Missing...but back!

BeeBabe is becoming ShutterBug!
Sorry I've been MIA for a while, guys! It is GOOD to know that I do have readers, and many thanks to SV for keeping everyone updated. The Chiro family does not have any interent access at home, becase if we did, I would NEVER see my husband. As it is, the office computer has been lovingly dubbed 'The Little Beige Whore'. So, my visits to the office have been sparse, and I'm finding out daily how hard it is to get anything accomplished with an almost 17 month old attached to my legs. Things on the job front have been going slowly but well. I'm now in the 'we really like you but have a ton of paperwork to get through so we are going to make you wait on a final verdict for a bit' stage. Fun times, really. Oh, and i've tried to send a picture to the blog through Picasa for the past week with no success....I'll try again.